Asian Population Profile


Demographic Profile for Asian and MELAA Populations in the Auckland Region

Definition of 'Asian'

  • The level 1 category ‘Asian’ refers to people with origins in the Asian continent, from China in the north to Indonesia in the south and from Afghanistan in the west to Japan in the east. This definition of ‘Asian’ excludes people originating from the Middle East, Central Asia (except Afghanistan) and Asian Russia

  • The ethnicity protocols subdivide the level 1 group ‘Asian’ into five level 2 categories: ‘Other Asian’, ‘Chinese’, ‘Indian’, South East Asian’ and ‘Asian Not Further Defined (NFD)’.

Definition of 'Ethnic'
The term 'ethnic', in the context of the mandate for the Office of Ethnic Communities, refers to any segment of the population within New Zealand society with cultural values, customs, beliefs, languages, traditions and characteristics that differ from the wider society. This includes people from New Zealand born and established communities, recent migrants and refugees and people with multiple ethnic identities

[‘Ethnic’ populations in New Zealand Office of Ethnic Communities, (2012)]